The promised Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the same promise as the establishment of the Kingdom on earth, as we pray for in the Lord’s Prayer, when Christ will reign on earth from his Eucharistic Throne in every Church. The Path to this will not be easy as it requires great change – Purification before this time of renewal. During the time of the Purification of the Catholic Church and of the World; God will protect, guide and help His Faithful. Trust fully in God alone. Have Faith. The time of renewal will be like a new Pentecost for the Church. It is God’s gift to our young children and their descendants for a time. God will save humanity and the earth from destruction. He will heal the earth. But the path to it involves great suffering, martyrdom and sacrifice. The World will join Christ on the Cross; because it is only through the power and victory of the cross that the Faithful can be saved. Do not lose hope: for God alone suffices.
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God Bless you.